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3 Quick and Easy Solutions To Stop Your Sugar Cravings

    In part one of the sugar crush series, we saw what happens when your sugar crush gets the best of you. Letting that sink for a little, it’s time to move on. In this part, I show you quick and easy solutions to stop your sugar cravings.

    3 Quick and Easy Solutions To Stop Your Sugar Cravings

    Tip #1 – Read Labels

    When you’re food shopping, be sure to read the labels. Look for foods that have a “no sugar added” label and do not contain the ingredients I mentioned in the last blog. I sometimes need a magnifying glass to actually read the labels because the text is so small you sometimes can barely see that high fructose corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, or maltose has been added.

    Also, be aware of fruit concentrates and purees as sweeteners, as this can add excessive sugar to a product. Take care to remember that “no sugar” foods are sometimes sweetened with fake sugars such as aspartame which are just as addictive as real sugar and are linked to cancer.

    Quick and easy solutions to stop your sugar cravings

    Take, for example, yogurt. Plain yogurt can be an excellent source of protein and calcium. Often times yogurts are “enriched” with different fruits to make them more appealing to you as the consumer. Make sure you read the label, though!

    Often these fruit additives will be high in processed sugar (think high fructose corn syrup) and will be more flavored syrup than actual fruit. Instead, buy plain, unsweetened yogurt and add your favorite fruit in yourself. This way, you know exactly what and how much is going into your food.

    Then we have to tackle the 3:00 pm sugar cravings. I know a lot of my clients usually pick up a muffin or a caramel macchiato at this time to help push them through the rest of their workday. The only problem with the usual afternoon options is that they are usually filled to the brim with sugar.

    Instead of picking up a carb-heavy, sugar-laden beverage or snack, choose something that is whole food, such as a banana or an apple. These fruits contain sugar but are slow-releasing sugars that will not spike your insulin levels and keep you going longer.

    Here’s a general guide to reading labels:

    1. Identifying information: This can include the product or sample name, manufacturer or origin, date of manufacture or collection, and possibly an identification number or barcode.
    2. Ingredients or Components: The ingredients will typically be listed in descending order by weight if it’s a food item. This means the first ingredient listed is the most abundant. For non-food items, this could be a list of components or materials.
    3. Nutrition Facts (for food labels): This section provides details about the nutritional content of the food item, including total calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins and minerals. Serving size is important here as well because the nutrition facts are usually based on one serving size.
    4. Usage Instructions: For consumer products, the label may include directions on how to use or apply the product.
    5. Warnings or Precautions: This could include information about potential allergens in food items or safety precautions for consumer products.
    6. Expiration Date or Best Before Date (for food and certain products): This is the date until which the product is expected to retain its optimum quality.
    7. Certifications: Certifications like “Organic,” “Fair Trade,” “Non-GMO,” etc., may be displayed on the label. This information is often important to consumers who have specific dietary or ethical preferences.

    Tip #2 – Keep it out of sight

    Keep You will also make a healthier choice in a snack if you do not keep any “treats” in your house or at your desk. Do not leave a candy bar in your drawer or a package of potato chips in the kitchen. Having these temptations around will only lead to that – temptation. Sometimes just making it a little bit harder for ourselves to get that snack makes all the difference.

    Tip #3 – Don’t add any sugar

    Quick and easy solutions to crush your sugar crush

    Next, try to avoid adding sugar to your food.

    I didn’t notice that I added sugar to my tea (because I had always done it, so why stop?) until my husband pointed it out. I just loved the feeling of having something warm in my hands while I was sitting at my desk working. Then one day, my husband said, “You always add sugar to your tea.” I honestly hadn’t even thought twice about it until he pointed it out. It always made my drink taste better; I had been doing it for years.

    Then I switched to artificial sweeteners (those little yellow “fake sugar” packets) because I thought that would be a better option. Once again, my husband pointed out that those packets are really just not-good-for-you chemicals. It took someone from the outside pointing it out for even me to notice that I had taken on some not-so-good habits. Even as a nutrition coach, these habits can sneak in.


    So how do you crush your sugar cravings once and for all?

    • Keep sugar out of the house and away from your desk
    • Stay away from places that have your favorite treats
    • Avoid adding extra sugar to your food
    • Spend time with people who support your healthy lifestyle

    Where can you start?

    Now, you can do one thing, but it’s a challenge, I’ll be honest. You could go cold turkey for a week or two. Honestly, that week or two will totally suck. You will get headaches and feel even more sleepy because you’re not getting that extra sugar rush anymore, but it’s a good way to start knocking out your sugar cravings.

    Do you know what the cool thing about doing this is, though? You will start tasting foods how they truly are – perfectly sweet or over-sugared. Fruits will become like candy, and artificially sweetened foods will become artificial.

    Let me know which approach has worked for you and if you have any questions that I can answer to help you deal with your sugar crush. Don’t forget to check out my freebie on how to eat your way to a spunky body. These are strategies to help you eat better and healthier and help you crush your sugar cravings.

    I have some strategies for you that help with any kind of cravings and teach you a sustainable and lasting lifestyle. I invite you to take a look at the Pursue Your Spark Blueprint!

    Pursue Your Spark Blueprint course

    4 thoughts on “3 Quick and Easy Solutions To Stop Your Sugar Cravings”

    1. LOVE this. It is exactly what I did before that worked for me and am literally doing today. I was in the supermarket looking at the Weight Watcher’s website to see if so called “healthy foods” were really traps for a poorly spent fuel budget. There are some habits I may not be aware of yet, but the only temptation I intentionally keep is sugar for my coffee. I do not drink anywhere near as much coffee as I did back in Maryland.

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        thank you for sharing your experience and the success you had and still have with small doable steps. Hurray!

    2. I have tried with no success to stop the sugar! I like the idea of incorporating little tips here and there rather than some overall, enormous change all at once.

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        Thank you, Teresa. Let me know how it’s going and if I can help with any questions.

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