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#5 Pilates To Crush Osteoporosis

    You’re in the right place if you’re concerned about bone health. We’re going to explore how Pilates is not just a workout for your muscles but also an effective way to strengthen your spine and bones. Learn which exercises to add and which ones to avoid as you start Pilates to crush Osteoporosis.

    Pilates To Crush Osteoporosis

    We talk about the benefits of Pilates for bone health and how you can implement some of the mat Pilates exercises without stress on your spine. You’ll learn what exercises to skip and what other types of exercises are beneficial for bone strength and health.

    So, if you’re aiming to boost your bone strength and enhance your overall skeletal health in a safe and long-lasting manner, you won’t want to miss this episode.

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    If you’re thinking, “Wow, this is just what I’ve been looking for,” then don’t keep it a secret. Spread the word and share this episode with friends who could use a dose of Pilates magic.

    But hold on, we’ve got even more for you! If you’re digging what you’re hearing here, you’re going to love our mainstay, Pursue Your Spark Podcast.

    Over on that channel, we expand the conversation beyond Pilates to dive into mindset shifts perfect for women in midlife. We even feature expert guests to give you actionable advice for this exciting life phase.

    Ready to give Pilates a try? Then check out the Fasted + Fit Over Jumpstart, where we combine Pilates with simple Intermittent fasting strategies for women in midlife. Check it out here.

    Listen to more episodes right here!