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How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain For Good

    As the holidays begin to roll around, images of family gatherings and all too infrequent get-togethers come to mind every year. Along with the joyful festivities comes a secret lurking fear though – holiday weight gain. Some even take it as far as getting their yearly sweatpants out to prepare for the marathon of food.

    Holidays are times of celebration and of coming together to value the things that mean the most to you, not to feel guilty about eating everything in sight or, conversely, eating nothing that looks tempting and feeling deprived. Let’s discuss fail-proof strategies on how to avoid holiday weight gain for good.

    This eight-method list is user-friendly year-round to keep yourself in check, especially during the most tempting seasons.

    How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain For Good


    #1) Be Active With Family and Friends

    Instead of sitting around eating and drinking for an entire evening, start playing interactive games. Indoor and outdoor interactive games create bonding memories, burn calories, and inspire a sense of friendly competition. Something as simple as tossing a football or balloon with the kids or running races can make a huge impact. Go for the Jingle Bell 5K or check out Pinterest for more fun physical activity ideas for the entire family.

    #2) Keep Snacking to a Minimum

    Everyone loves a pre-dinner snack but think twice about those excess calories. Eating your daily caloric intake before the dinner rolls are served will not help you in the long run, no matter how tasty they are. Plus, when you snack pre-dinner, you will likely become full and force yourself to eat anyway when the main course is served, causing unnecessary holiday weight gain.

    #3) Monitor Portion Sizes

    With so many delicious choices, it’s hard not to overeat. Serve your plate with vegetables and protein, and stay away from fat-laden, creamy foods. If you must try them, take only a little taste to enjoy the sensation without overindulging. Plus, you can take a smaller plate and serve smaller portions that way.
    Warning! Don’t go back for seconds; remember to celebrate the occasion and family, not excess food.


    #4) Practice Mindful Eating

    It’s essential to enjoy the food that you have on your plate and savor every bite. Take the time to appreciate the moment and the experience the food and flavor bring. Put your utensils down in between bites and chew slowly. Be present. Check out my post on the 5 Ways To Practice Mindful Eating to learn how to master this eating lifestyle mindset.

    #5) Control Your Stress Intake

    Life gets far more hectic during the holidays, but you can control how you react to stress and how it can affect you. Don’t take on more than you can handle, even if you want to please everyone around you. Stress is known to raise cortisol levels that can turn into food cravings as well as interfere with weight loss.

    #6) Bring a Healthy Dish to Share

    Everyone has a dish from grandma filled with sugar, fat, mayonnaise, and butter that you have to share with everyone during the holidays. But if you want to stick to your healthy eating habits, don’t bring it or, better yet, make a healthier version of it. This is not a time intended to undo all the hard work you have done throughout the year, especially when considering many holidays that last throughout the entire season!

    #7) Liquid Calories – The Silent Sabotager


    I know we are encouraged not to count calories, but many drinks and alcoholic beverages contain overwhelming numbers of empty calories. The fact is, they add up and can cause weight gain before you know it. These are in addition to what tasty foods you consume! Here are some examples of how quickly this adds up.
    1 glass of champagne = 120 calories
    1 glass of Cabernet = 175 calories
    2 glasses of Port = 300 calories

    #8) Choose Dessert Wisely

    With all the special holiday treats around, who can deny eating them? Have a planned strategy for eating your desserts by sharing your favorite piece of pie with someone. Take an empty-handed walk around the dessert table only once they have all been displayed, and see what is most important for you to try. Get a little spoonful of the desserts you can’t live without and leave the rest. And as with dinner – use the smallest plates to assist in portion control!

    These are my eight strategies to avoid holiday weight gain and the tips to apply to the rest of the year as well. What’s most important is spending time with the people you love, enjoying their company, and building everlasting memories together.

    And the best part? You get to enjoy all the goodness the holidays have to offer and ditch the New Year’s resolution because you know how to avoid the holiday weight gain in the first place! Great job, holiday warriors!

    Looking for some healthy and simple dishes to share any time of the year? Then check out one of our recipe packs!

    5 thoughts on “How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain For Good”

    1. My biggest problem is alcohol. A few glasses of wine can add so many calories. I try to drink lots of water too. And I only eat dessert at a dinner party. But it is so true that the older I get the harder it is to keep weight off. And I am active and eat healthily….

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        So true Hilda. We don’t even notice the wine calories but lot’s of water helps and mindfulness on the days we don’t celebrate.

    2. The “bad” thing is that celebrating the holidays with my son means cooking together; weird and elaborate recipes including sinful desserts. The great thing is; we’re active, hiking, walking the dog, rock climbing and maybe even running around the lake…

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        Angie, it’s about spending time together creating memories. I love it and you will always remember those times.

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