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5 Strategies To Get More Done with Less Stress

    Many of us seem to be running around trying to get more done at home or work as quickly as possible. We are told that we need to be more productive and should accomplish more. Are you proud to call yourself a multi-tasker?

    As women, multitasking seems to be our goal. We go to work, cook meals, drive the kids to their sports or piano lessons, and at the end of the day, we are supposed to be the sexy and alluring wife for our partner and all this without missing a beat.

    Phew, I am already stressed thinking about accomplishing all that. How about you? Let’s get more done with less stress! Shall we?

    I am very active on social media and love connecting with people and my communities on Facebook or Instagram. Still, sometimes I get so distracted that I don’t have enough time to complete my work! For example, Fridays are my batching day for my podcast, and I prepare my outlines and record or edit my episodes (yes, I do all of it). If I get carried away with social media and lose track of time, none of my batching will get done. This means I have to work on weekends, and this is what I want to avoid!

    Do we truly get more done through multitasking, or are the things we try to distract us from the things we want to do?

    5 Strategies To Get More Done with Less Stress

    1. Schedule Out Your Calendar

    5 Strategies To Get More Done With Less Stress

    Usually, we put meetings or important dates like birthdays on our calendar, and the rest goes on the to-do list. Include time frames specifically for things like social media because even I caught myself scrolling through Instagram instead of writing this post…

    • Put all the items from your to-do list on your schedule to plan them over the next week. Include times for social media because you know you need a mental break during the week.
    • Create time slots for each item. Example: checking Facebook 12-12:30, and you only check Facebook during this time.
    • Slot your lunch and workout times and phone calls the same way.

    It may take a bit of getting used to, but you will no longer have to check your to-do list and see what’s next on your list because you know exactly when you do what.
    You’ve planned each big Task based on its importance and when it needs to be completed. For your “breaks,” you will know when they are over.

    2. Focus on One Task at a Time

    computer and note book, nail polish
    • Work on ONLY this one particular Task. Focusing will be more accessible, and you might do a better job than doing 2 or 3 things simultaneously.
    • The same goes for exercise and getting the most out of your workout by focusing on the activities you enjoy, the benefits of stress reduction, and feeling stronger and healthier.

    By focusing on one scheduled Task, you will get the ones you dread done without pushing them further down your to-do list. You will be more productive and focused and avoid multitasking several projects, which leads to overwhelm. Give the project you work on the attention it deserves, then move on to the next one.

    3. Shut the Door

    • Before you start on your Task, silence your phone and emails, put a do not disturb sign on your door, and focus on what you need to do.

    It’s so easy to leave the phone on and see messages popping up on your screen. You quickly glance at it thinking no harm has been done, but you are distracted by it, affecting your productivity massively in the long run.

    4. Stuff Happens

    So what do you do when unexpected changes happen in your schedule that you can’t control? Well, stuff happens, and you have the flexibility on your calendar to move things around.

    • Ask yourself what priority the new Task has. Is it urgent, or is it important? There is a BIG difference in what to do with it and how to schedule it.

    For instance, your dog gets sick, and you have to take them to the vet ASAP. This is urgent, and you make your dog a priority. But stressing over a work assignment at 8 am that is not due until the end of the day is not urgent; it’s vital to get it done, and you can plan accordingly.

    5. Maintain Boundaries

    woman drinking coffee - 5 Strategies To Get More Done With Less Stress
    • It’s time to set boundaries between your time and work. No more working late nights and weekends that leave you unable to feel refreshed.
    • Setting boundaries will help you put out quality work and spend quality time without stress.

    Strategies and accountability are critical to getting more done with less stress. You will be able to take more breaks in between your projects and get so much more done. Additionally, you don’t feel guilty about taking breaks because they are scheduled into your day.

    Of course, you will waste time during the day; we all do it.

    However, taking a lunch break is NOT wasted time – schedule it. I always hear things like this: “I ate at my desk.” “I don’t have time to eat.” “There is so much work to do.” If you plan your day, you will get more done with higher satisfaction, less stress, and better quality!

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    7 thoughts on “5 Strategies To Get More Done with Less Stress”

    1. Hi really like this post as I work from home on my blog. I schedule my blog from 9-1 and work on it each day. After 1, I take a bath and have lunch ( bath is an epsom bath for my EDS) and then I pick up and work until around 4. I need to schedule my PT exercises as sometimes they don’t get done. I need to try and schedule my calendar, as that is a good way to be organized
      from the midlife blog community
      jess xx

      1. User Avatar

        Hi Jess, the calendar is the way to go. No excuses. But you have already a well planned day and it sounds so stress less. Love it.

    2. Wow, I love this post. What you said about trying to accomplish tasks all day and then being sexy and alluring at night made me laugh, I say this all the time! I agree with your tips here, the most important one for me is maintaining my boundaries. Everyone has their own priorities in their own life, and I used to spend a lot of my energy working on other people’s priorities and not my own, and then feeling exhausted and frustrated. So, I am really aware of carving out my time to do my blog and my art. It is so important for me to make that my priority! It makes everything else I do in life flow better. Great Post!

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        Thanks, Peta. Your reply made me smile and I am excited that you are setting priorities and make your time and what you want more important. Keep up the good work!

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