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#001 Clutter Buster And Clear Your Emotional Clutter

    I don’t know about you, but I love to be organized. I  go through my physical belongings and decide what I want to keep or not. Most people don’t even realize that if you clear physical clutter, you are also aiding in clearing your emotional clutter.

    Clutter Buster And Clear Your Emotional Clutter

    I love doing that because it makes me feel like I am in charge of my life and that I get to decide what goes and what stays. Just when you decided what you wear every day.

    But sorting through physical clutter comes with emotional clutter that we are often not thinking about. As we approach midlife, some of us in menopause we have accumulated a ton of emotional clutter attached to stuff.

    Today’s podcast is about how to clear your emotional clutter that is attached to stuff.

    Why are we emotionally attached to clutter?

    Emotional attachment to clutter often arises from a few common human tendencies:

    1. Sentimental Value: We often associate objects with memories, experiences, or people. Discarding such items can feel like letting go of those memories or connections.
    2. Perceived Future Use: We often keep items thinking we might need them in the future. This desire to be prepared can lead us to hang onto clutter.
    3. Guilt or Obligation: Sometimes, items are gifts or inheritances, and we keep them out of a sense of obligation, guilt, or respect towards the giver, even if the items are not useful or aesthetically pleasing.
    4. Fear of Waste: Throwing away items can feel wasteful, especially if we believe the item was expensive or could be useful to someone.
    5. Comfort and Control: Clutter can provide a sense of comfort and control. In an unpredictable world, our belongings are tangible and predictable, offering a sense of familiarity and security.

    In many cases, the emotional attachment to clutter is not about the physical items themselves but the feelings, memories, and meanings we assign to them.

    For other inspirational ideas and tips, go to Heike’s blog

    Go here to enjoy another episode!

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