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Pilates Exercises And Diet Tips To Reduce Belly Bloat Quickly

    All of a sudden, you start getting a sharp pain in your abdomen. Your stomach feels so full that you feel like you’re going to pop! It can be so uncomfortable, painful, and embarrassing to be bloated. We’ve all been there. But did you know there are actually exercises you can do to reduce belly bloat? Yes, really! There are certain Pilates exercises that have helped me time and time again, and I truly hope these can help give you relief when you are bloated!

    Woman feeling bloated - Pilates exercises and diet tips to reduce belly bloat quickly - heike yates

    What exactly is bloating?

    Bloating is when your stomach produces excess gas and can also be caused by a disruption of the muscles in the digestive system (Healthline).

    Having gas is totally normal, but what, when, and how fast you’re eating can affect how much gas your body produces. The efficiency of your digestive system can also be a cause of increased gas.

    Lena Palmer, MD, gastroenterologist, assistant professor in the department of medicine, and medical director of nutritional services at Loyola University Chicago. “The average person passes gas 10 times a day, but it’s still considered normal to pass gas up to 20 times per day.” Dr. Palmer adds that 15 to 30 percent of healthy people also experience bloating from time to time.

    Belly Bliss -How to combat bloating and digestive issues

    What causes bloating?

    Bloating can happen at any time, like after a long flight, sitting too much, eating salty chips during movie night, or because of menopausal hormone shifts. All you want is to get rid of the bloated feeling stomach that can be very painful! Here are some of the main causes of a bloated belly.

    1. Hormone changes during menopause. The reduction in estrogen causes the body to retain more water, which in turn causes more bloating.

    2. Diet – some of the foods that cause bloating: cruciferous vegetables, grains, onions, beans, and garlic or onion

    3. Lack of exercise slows down the digestion in your stomach. Movement helps empty your gut faster, and food is able to move quickly into the small intestines causing less gas. People with weak abdominal muscles have a much harder time moving gas through their intestines.

    4. Swallowed air – chewing gum and carbonated drinks = In a nutshell, sparkling water is water (a liquid) plus carbon dioxide (a gas), combined under pressure. “When we swallow seltzer, we also swallow carbon dioxide,” says Aja McCutchen, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist with Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates, causing belly bloat.

    5. Drinking alcohol – Alcohol is an inflammatory substance, meaning it tends to cause swelling in the body. This inflammation may be made much worse by the things often mixed with alcohol, such as sugary and carbonated liquids, which can result in gas, discomfort, and more bloating.

    6. Other health conditions – Such as irritable bowel syndrome, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Celiac disease, and  Colon Cancer, can all contribute to increased gas in the digestive system.

    For more information on how to relieve inflammation, check out: 6 Ways to Optimize your health and reduce inflammation

    Woman taking deep breaths - Pilates exercises and diet tips to reduce belly bloat quickly - heike yates


    3 Ways to Reduce Belly Bloat and Pilates is One of Them

    Classes that are hard on your joints, like a HIIT class or intense cardio, seem to worsen the bloating. Simple movements help relieve the built-up water and gas that causes bloating by increasing blood flow and stimulating your lymphatic system, which helps the body drain excess fluid out of the body. 

    • Start with breathing

    When you breathe correctly, you send more blood to your abdominal region, which will then help alleviate any discomfort in the area. Here is an exercise to try to reduce belly bloat!

    Take a long inhale very deeply through your nose. Try to breathe in for at least 8 seconds if you can! Then exhale it out until all of the air is completely out of your diaphragm  (squeeze out all the air!). Take another deep breath, and squeeze it all out again. Repeat this cycle 3-5 times! I also encourage you to do this exercise a few times throughout the day.

    healthy diet foods - Pilates exercises and diet tips to reduce belly bloat quickly - heike yates
    • Change your diet to reduce belly bloat

    Several dietary changes can relieve or even prevent bloating. Here is a shortlist of the most common foods you can add. 

    • Avocado (potassium-rich helps after eating too much salt) 
    • Bananas help promote gut health 
    • Blueberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries have antioxidants and fiber to help with motility
    • Add Celery and fennel as they act as a diuretic
    • Asparagus acts like a probiotic and helps with digestion
    • Green tea has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties
    • Garlic, Ginger, citrus fruits, Kimchi, Kefir, Sauerkraut, peppermint and chamomile tea, red pepper, spinach, sprouts, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turmeric, and yogurt. 
    • Drink less alcohol and carbonated drinks
    • Reduce salt as the body holds onto water when eating too much salt. Keep in mind the salty six: Pizza, sandwiches, cold cuts, canned soups, bread rolls, and bagels are some of the main salt contributors to an American diet. You don’t even taste the extra salt.
    • Reduce unhealthy fats. Foods that are high in fat are digested slower, causing bloating. So instead of eating a fatty, greasy meal like fried chicken, try a low-fat option like grilled chicken and vegetables.

    • Reduce belly bloat by exercising more frequently

    In addition to strengthening your abdominal wall, research shows that general exercise can help provide relief from gas and bloating. A 2006 study on bloating published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found that physical activity helped participants move gas and ease their symptoms. The following exercises can help reduce belly bloat. I have also included video demonstrations of the exercises for you to try!

    1. Walking or stretching and Pilates 

    Try to do at least a 25-minute walk around your neighborhood every day. This is great to keep your body and digestion system moving along! You can also do mat Pilates at home or go to a local Pilates studio for a class 3-5 times a week!

    2. Half Roll down

    3. Spine stretch


    4. Spine twist


    If you don’t find that any of these strategies help, then it’s time to seek medical advice to find out if there is an underlying health condition. If your digestion doesn’t follow its usual pattern, the pain is mostly consistent, or the symptoms occur more than 3 times per week – see your doctor. 

    Gas is a common nuisance, but there are ways to beat the bloating once you’re sure that’s all it is. To help prevent belly discomfort, stay active and make changes in your diet to have less gas and gas pain. 

    Want more exercise that you can do when bloating hits? Check out my Fearlessly Fit Club Over 50 for exercise ideas that are designed for women over 50.

    4 thoughts on “Pilates Exercises And Diet Tips To Reduce Belly Bloat Quickly”

    1. Very informative Heike! Enjoyed the demonstration on some stretching exercises that can help with belly bloat. Never really thought stretching exercises would help with that. Thank you!
      Xx Melanie

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