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How My Travel Adventure Became A Mom Adventure

    It’s Mother’s Day, and let’s celebrate each of you. I never thought that I might become a mom. All I wanted to do was to travel and see the world. Find out how my travel adventure became a mom adventure.

    It seems like yesterday, but I moved to the USA thirty years ago. I remember when I decided to leave my family and friends behind in Germany. I felt stuck, and I was searching for freedom and adventure.

    My whole world was turned upside down once I moved. I was speaking a new language and learning about the unique culture (and its differences). Books can only prepare you so much, but real life teaches you lessons you hadn’t thought to prepare for.

    During my first year in the States, I met my first husband and the father of my two amazing kids. Within a few short years, I became a stay-at-home mom with no idea how to raise a child. My family living in Germany couldn’t help with everyday problems, and the cost of international calling in the ’80s was astronomical. I had no job or income, and I relied on my husband. What happened to my freedom? Where was my adventure?

    How My Travel Adventure Became A Mom Adventure

    Things turned out differently than I had planned, but you know what? It turned out better than I could have imagined. Not in my wildest dreams did I expect to move to the US, meet a man, and become a mother. But plans can change at any time, so be ready no matter what.

    As a stay-at-home mom, I met other moms at playgrounds and activities for the kids. It was a great way to improve my English and get tips on how to raise a child. They also understood what it felt like being at home with the kids and feeling left out of the work environment we were accustomed to. None of my new friends put their lives on hold for their kids. Instead, they incorporated them into their adventures. So that’s what I started doing.

    Keep Your Romance Alive

    We started with small steps like taking the kids on outings for a day to the state parks in our area. Then, we decided to hire a babysitter once a week for date night. Most of the time, we just wanted to get extra sleep, but you must keep the romance in a relationship.

    Lives Greatest Adventure

    How My Travel Adventure Became A Mom Adventure

    My life was still an adventure, just a different experience than I thought I would have. As my children grew up, I could take them on more of the kind of adventures I thought I would have – traveling Europe during school breaks, annual beach excursions, and road trips around the states. Of course, being a mother has been my greatest adventure, but by taking active steps to change situations and circumstances in my life, I could also get some of the adventures I wanted when I was 25.

    Happy Mom’s Day!


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    6 thoughts on “How My Travel Adventure Became A Mom Adventure”

    1. How fun, Heike to discover these parallels. I had moved from Germany to Portugal and lived there for a decade before my son was born. I wasn’t big on having kids but he became the most wonderful adventure of my life, my motivation and encouragement to move to the US 25 years ago. We enjoyed so many small and big adventures from skiing in veil and Taos to house sitting in Topanga or camping in the wilderness with Native Americans… I loved my life with him more than anything. Happy Mom’s and adventure women’s year 🙂

      1. User Avatar

        Angie, how interesting that you lived in Germany. Are you German? I agree with you! I love my kids over anything else and they are the most important thing in my life. I couldn’t picture my life without them!

    2. Hey Heike:

      Thanks for your post! My paternal grandparents were from Berlin. My maternal grandmother is Dutch. The family genealogist traces our family back to a little wee village in Bavaria. Hope to get there some day. Maybe now that our kids are grown, as our yours! And yes, being a mom is indeed a great adventure!

      Happy Mother’s Day!

      1. User Avatar

        How fun and what an interesting fact! Go visit it’s absolutely lovely.Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

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        Marijke, thank you for following along. I will keep you posted on the next advenure.

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