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5 Simple Steps To Regain Your Balance In Life

    Have you ever felt out of balance or lack of balance in your day today? I’m not talking about standing on one leg; I mean the balance in your life.

    Take a work-life balance, you may not work as much, and then you have a bit more time at home, but you don’t have any time to get all the work you want. I have five simple steps to regain your balance in life for you.

    Work-life balance is a very loose concept. Think about balance as an overall umbrella for our life. As women, we don’t allow ourselves this balance. We help everybody else do our business, constantly multitask, and are always busy. So let’s bring balance to you first, before anybody else in your life, your family, your boss, your kids, take “me” time.

    5 Simple Steps To Regain Your Balance In Life

    1 – Take Your Time Inventory

    The first thing I want you to think about is: How much time do you give yourself each day? Just for yourself – not sharing it with anybody else. Not scrolling on your phone. Not multitasking. How much time do you allow yourself to be only with yourself, observing yourself, thinking about how your day went, what you’re planning, or simply preparing for your day?

    Time inventory allows you to look hard at how much you truly give back to yourself.

    Once you take note of this measurement, spend the evening taking a bath or a hot shower, or enjoy reading a book. If you feel out of balance, this is the first step.

    woman on a swing - 5 Simple Steps To Regain Your Balance

    2 – No Is Not a Dirty Word

    Say no to things you don’t want to do, things that don’t fill your cup, and things that are being put on you because you always say yes, and you’re still the go-to person when somebody needs something.

    Go and say no.

    Do not feel guilty about saying no. No is not a dirty word. No is just another way to put your foot down and feel confident in your choices. No. Practice that. When you say no, you have more time to do the things that make you happy and fill you up!

    Saying “no” is crucial in setting personal boundaries and maintaining mental well-being. Here are some strategies to help you say “no” effectively:

    1. Be Clear and Firm: Be clear about your intentions. Avoid ambiguity and ensure your “no” is understood as a “no.”
    2. Respectfully Assertive: You can be polite and respectful while saying “no.” It’s not necessary to be confrontational or aggressive.
    3. Offer a Reason if Comfortable: If you’re comfortable, briefly explain why you’re saying “no.” This can make your response seem more reasonable. However, remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation.
    4. Use “I” Statements: Using “I” statements, such as “I don’t have time” or “I can’t commit to this,” can help you own your responses and avoid any blame or criticism.
    5. Propose Alternatives: If possible and relevant, offer an alternative. This can show that you’re willing to help or participate differently.
    6. Avoid Apologetic Language: Avoid saying things like, “I’m sorry, but…” Too much apologetic language can undermine your decision and potentially invite further persuasion.
    7. Practice: It can be uncomfortable to say “no” at first, especially if you’re not used to doing so. Like any skill, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.
    8. Delay Your Response: If you’re not ready to say “no” immediately, you can ask for some time to think about it.
    9. Utilize Body Language: Your body language should reflect your decision, along with verbal communication. Maintain eye contact and use a firm tone when saying “no.”

    Remember, it’s okay to say “no.” It’s your right to establish your boundaries and protect your time and energy. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about self-preservation.

    3 – Bind Your Boundaries

    Think about firm boundaries for yourself in all areas of your life, including work, family, relationships, and even community.

    How do you see your current life? Is it chaotic? Running around, never feeling happy, content? Or is it that when you set boundaries, you feel guilty that you should do more and please more people before yourself?

    We need to establish boundaries as women, especially in mid-life. Even if we love our grandkids, husbands, jobs, etc., we still have a right to have goals for the future that take our time and energy.

    4 – Excite and Envision

    The best part of setting all those boundaries? You will have time to do the things that fill you up, the things you’ve always wanted to do, and the things that get you excited about life again!

    Take some time now to envision what you would do if you didn’t have all of these other “responsibilities” you put on yourself to try to make others happy every minute. Think about what you want and how you would like your daily life to look.

    Are you cooking, traveling, doing yoga, or creating artwork? Or maybe just having 30 minutes entirely to yourself each day. Think about it and feel those emotions.

    Perons on the beach - 5 Simple Steps To Regain Your Balance In Life

    5 – Write It to Win It

    Write it down. Write down all the crazy things you may see and say, “Oh, I would like to live like that!” Writing out your goals and desires will allow you to get in touch with what you want again.

    Once you have a passion for your goals and a firm commitment to making the time for them, keeping your boundaries and not giving in to others will be much easier.

    What is my boundary? I usually don’t work late at night. My husband and I set boundaries for not working past 7:00 PM. We do not work on weekends. And I stick to this unless it is a work-related trip.

    Worth the Wait

    If you lack balance in your life, these are the things that I would encourage you to start right now to realign in your direction, self-care, and balance. Say, “Hey, I need me time.” or “I like that idea, but today I want to do this.” Put your foot down.

    Just say no. N-O. It’s okay. The world will not swallow you and hate you for the rest of your life. It’s merely something you want, what you stand for, and have set boundaries for.

    All these things combined will help with the balance we crave in life. We need guidelines. Start with those five simple steps to regain your balance in life.

    To get balance, start with these small steps, and let me know in the comments which step worked for you or if you need more help with any of the actions or any more ideas on how you can get balance in your life.

    Like a bit of help in balancing your fitness and nutrition? Grab my free ‘3 Ways To Thrive Guide‘!

    8 thoughts on “5 Simple Steps To Regain Your Balance In Life”

    1. I’ve always believed that NO is a complete sentence, and requires no further information. I have learned the art of saying no graciously but firmly and it’s served me well. Great article!!

    2. Great article. I have started to write down my goals (like I did in the 90s) and daily tasks instead of doing it on an app or spreadsheet and it is so much better!

      1. User Avatar

        OMG, I am so happy that I am not the only one. I love writing my goal down. Thanks for stopping by.

    3. Great article! It’s hard to connect to ourselves and others in this super hi-tech world. One thing that always works for me is returning to nature. Something as simple as a nice morning walk outside in an area with some trees, flowers, squirrels helps reset my mind! Cheers, Deb

      1. User Avatar

        Deborah, you are so right and I do the same. Nature brings balance into my mind and body. Thanks for stopping by.

    4. Love this post Heike! Finding balance is always hard for me. I thought once I retired, I would have so much more free time. I don’t. This has given me some good things to think about. Thank you!

      1. User Avatar

        Thanks for stopping by Melanie. That is what I hear a lot and I am glad I can help you. Let me know how retirement treads you.

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