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5 Tips To Escape Holiday Stress

    woman sitting in front of Christmas tree -5 Tips To Escape The Holiday Stress

    We all want to have happy holidays, and the idea of them always brings a smile. But, the reality often doesn’t meet those standards, and we dread the holiday stress that unfolds.

    Let’s face it; everyone is worried about…

    … gaining weight

    … being stressed

    … traveling to places where you can’t work out and eat right

    … no time for yourself

    … no time to do anything you want to do until maybe 2017?! Maybe…

    Do you know what I am saying? Get rid of your holiday stress! Yep, that’s easy. STOP stressing.

    The holidays are for spending time with your loved ones, having fun together, and being happy.

    Why The Holidays Are Not About “Holiday Stress” Instead…

    Running around buying stuff that no one wants. Making more food than an entire army can eat.

    Cleaning the house so everyone visiting can make it dirty.

    Stop Running Around Trying to Please Everyone.

    Slow down, breathe, and stop what you are doing right now. It’s time to escape the holiday stress for good!

    For years I thought buying endless holiday gifts was the thing to do. Spending hours in the kitchen preparing meals (even while the guests were there) was my job as a mother, wife, and hostess. Wrapping presents to perfection was something that I just had to do. Happy Holidays. Let the stress begin. Right?

    It’s all about those obligations that I was not comfortable with doing.

    5 Tips To Escape Holiday Stress - woman screaming with gifts in hands

    5 Tips To Escape Holiday Stress

    1. Plan Ahead: Start preparing for the holidays well in advance. Make lists for gifts, groceries, and chores. Shop early to avoid last-minute rushes. A well-structured plan can greatly reduce stress levels.
    2. Delegate Tasks: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Divide chores among family members or ask guests to bring a dish for holiday meals. Sharing responsibilities can help lighten the load.
    3. Maintain Healthy Habits: It’s easy to let healthy habits slip during the holiday season, but maintaining a regular exercise routine, eating balanced meals, and getting enough sleep can help manage stress.
    4. Set Realistic Expectations: Remember that perfection is not the goal of the holidays – happiness is. It’s okay if everything doesn’t go as planned. Be flexible and willing to compromise.
    5. Take Time for Yourself: Amidst the chaos of the holidays, don’t forget to carve out some quiet time. Whether it’s a walk, a hot bath, reading a book, or practicing mindfulness, taking a break can rejuvenate you mentally and physically.
    5 Tips To Escape Holiday Stress- board saying take time for yourself

    Here are some more tips: Cook with my children when I see them over the holidays. Go for a run with my husband and friends. Open the few gifts we love giving to each other and drink a glass of wine while doing it. Sit around and play board games after dinner. Go out at night and look at the Christmas decorations in the neighborhood.

    3 Tips On How To Squeeze In Some Exercise Without Guilt

    Incorporate Exercise into Holiday Activities: Choose holiday activities that involve physical movement. You could go for a brisk walk to look at holiday decorations, engage in a snowball fight, or even ice skate. Suggest a group walk or a dance-off to festive music if you’re at a gathering.

    Short and Intense Workouts: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a good choice when time is limited. These workouts often take less than 30 minutes but can provide benefits similar to longer, moderate-intensity workouts.

    Make it a Family Affair: Involve your family and friends in your exercise routines. Organize a friendly sports match, a relay race, or a family yoga session. Not only will you be keeping active, but you’ll also be spending quality time with your loved ones

    Spending quality time with the people you love is what this season is about.