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#137 Bone Health Over 50: Osteoporosis vs Osteoarthritis

    After 30, we start to lose and break down more bones in our bodies than we can build back. Eventually, we start to feel the wear and tear that this process has had on us, and we can experience joint pain. This can happen especially when we do activities that include repetitive motions we may have done for years (e.g., golfing, gardening, typing, etc.). Bone health, especially for those over 50, is often overlooked, and many are confused about Osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

    Bone Health Over 50: Osteoporosis vs Osteoarthritis

    We may all feel the effects of this inevitably as we get older, so I always advise taking proactive measures rather than reactive measures. However, sometimes, with an active lifestyle, avoiding wear and tear in your body can be hard over time. I know because I have actually been diagnosed with arthritis myself. I make sure to modify my lifestyle and habits to help me retain my bone strength, which eases my pain and keeps me more active for longer. 

    Today, I’ll discuss why it is imperative that we take action to keep our bones healthy and strong, what Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis are, and what specific actions you can take to prevent these conditions from affecting you. Plus, I’ll share some videos for you to get started with the right exercise for you, either Osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, which are very different than the ones you would do for Osteoarthritis. Try them out, and let me know if you have any questions.

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