There is an age-old debate about which has more impact on our development: nature or nurture. Whilst we may not yet have the answer to this, there is no denying that we are products of our environment. From the moment we are aware, our belief systems are being influenced.
How To Outgrow Old Belief Systems/ft. Charisse Glenn
For many of us, this doesn’t cause any problems. And for some of us, it causes lifelong struggles with mental health or self-worth or destructive patterns of behavior we have learned from those around us. There are a lucky few among us who are committed to self-growth. But, it is possible for anyone to figure out where those toxic habits originated. Once we know how and why we believe something to be true, we can make a conscious choice about whether or not it is serving us. Ultimately, whether we want to hold on to that belief or let go of it and move forward with a different mindset.
You don’t have to suffer severe trauma for this to have an impact on you. My guest today, Charisse Glenn, explains how her journey to self-growth and personal empowerment started. She questioned why she kept attracting the wrong kind of partner. Longing for the same kind of mutually respectful partnership that she saw her friends develop with their husbands, Charisse finally figured out that events in her childhood had instilled the belief that she could not be vulnerable to others. Living out this belief caused her to attract partners who were not able to hold space for her to become vulnerable: they needed looking after.
Finding the root cause of her toxic belief systems allowed Charisse to take back control.
She decides who she chooses to be and how she chooses to live.
Amazingly, she accomplished this through her lifelong connection to horses. The nuances of their behavior training helped to express her understanding of the rewards we receive and the transformation we undergo when we release that which no longer serves us.
Today’s episode is an invitation from Charisse and me to start decluttering your own mind. You can rid yourself of old belief systems that no longer serve you, to create better, healthier, and happier lives. Listen in to hear her inspiring story. It includes her ideas on safeguarding future generations and acting as role models in letting go of the old and creating the life we want.
Links mentioned in the show:
Where can people discover more about Charisse?
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