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#086. Should I Exercise When I Fast?

    Your health and fitness journey is one that should be tailored to your own individual needs, but there are some aspects that are pretty universal. It’s no secret that I am a big fan of intermittent fasting, and one of the most common questions I get asked about it is “Can I exercise when I fast?” I wanna make sure that you get the best possible results from your fasting, so I’m sharing with you today, my thoughts on this matter, and it applies to almost everyone. 

    Should I Exercise When I Fast?

    I guide you through Intermittent Fasting in my Empty Nest Reboot Program, and I hear all the time…

    Can I exercise when I fast? 

    Should I and is it safe? 

    How do I do it without burning out? 

    I know that this question is playing on your mind, and perhaps it’s stopping you from trying intermittent fasting in the first place. The answer to these questions is largely dependent on your fasting experience, the type of fasting you are practicing, and the type of exercise you are doing. 

    Want the insider scoop so you can feel the benefit in the safest and most effective way? Then listen in to today’s episode and then follow the links below to go more in-depth. 

    Links mentioned in the show:


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     Need some support navigating intermittent fasting as part of your health and fitness routine? Then sign up for my Empty Nest Reboot Program

    the empty nest reboot



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