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3 Effective Strategies to Eliminate Post-Holiday Belly

    The holidays are over, and you are determined to blast that holiday belly fat once and for all.
    You sigh when it comes to planning those meals. The family already rebels because Mom probably intends to make funky foods they don’t like. Shopping is another problem because now the budget may be going up.

    cookies - 3 Effective Strategies to Eliminate Post-Holiday Belly

    3 Effective Strategies to Eliminate Post-Holiday Belly

    1. Create a Fitness Routine: The post-holiday blues can often come from a lack of routine that usually keeps you grounded. Get back on track by creating a consistent fitness routine. This could involve a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Even 20-30 minutes a day can significantly impact your mood and energy levels. This will also help you sleep better, improve your physical health, and enhance your mental well-being by reducing anxiety and depression.
    2. Plan Balanced Meals: Over the holidays, it’s common to indulge in rich, calorie-heavy foods, which can often lead to feelings of lethargy and moodiness once the holidays are over. Combat this by planning balanced meals that incorporate a variety of nutrients. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet. These foods will provide you with the essential nutrients your body needs to function at its best and can boost your mood.
    3. Stay Hydrated and Minimize Alcohol: After a festive period, it’s not unusual to have consumed more alcohol than usual. While alcohol can make you feel good temporarily, it can also contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety and disrupt your sleep. Focus on rehydrating your body with plenty of water, herbal teas, and other non-alcoholic beverages. Also, make sure to limit your alcohol intake.

    What Healthy Foods To Prioritize After The Holidays

    1. Prioritize Protein: Protein can assist with weight loss because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating. It also requires more energy to digest, so your body burns more calories in the process. Try to include a source of lean protein in every meal, such as chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, or low-fat dairy. For snacks, consider options like a handful of nuts or Greek yogurt.
    2. Eat More Fiber-Rich Foods: Foods that are high in fiber can help with weight loss. They can slow down digestion, help you feel fuller for longer, and also aid in controlling blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes that can lead to overeating. Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, and seeds in your diet.
    3. Opt for Healthy Fats: Not all fats are bad. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, and fatty fish like salmon can help you feel satisfied and support overall health. However, they should be eaten in moderation as they’re high in calories.

    In addition to these tips, remember that portion control is crucial. Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if eaten in large quantities. Pairing a healthy diet with regular physical activity is important for overall health and successful weight loss.

    3 Effective Strategies to Eliminate Post-Holiday Belly - meal planning sheet

    My 3 Favorite Tips To Lose Weight Post-Holiday

    Tip #1 – Grill your vegetables

    Almost any vegetable can be grilled, and it’s so easy to prepare. Cut them up, put them in a bowl with some olive oil, and they are ready to be grilled. It just takes a few minutes, and they are done! Pick from a variety of colors, and you will eat a healthy diet.

    I love Cauliflower, and it is incredibly versatile, from eating it steamed as a whole (my favorite), to grilling, to making soups, to using it as a carbohydrate replacement instead of potatoes.

    Cauliflower is not only a low-glycemic carbohydrate option but is full of vitamins, protein, and a terrific source of fiber. 1 cup of Cauliflower contains: 27 calories,0 g total fat, 32mg sodium, 320 mg potassium, 5 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein, 85% vitamin C, 20% vitamin K, 14% folate, plus calcium, iron manganese

    Tip #2 – Make Chicken Kabobs

    Either purchase them at your local grocery store already prepared or merely make them yourself.
    How to make Kabobs: Cut up some organic chicken breast, and add some vegetables you cut up before. Sprinkle with some seasoning. It takes no time and can make for a fun activity for the family.
    You vegans out there use Tempe and follow the same plan!

    Tip #3 – The Dessert

    Buy the fruit you choose: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Blackberries make a beautiful fruit salad. Add some healthy fats by adding nuts, seeds, or yogurt.
    Bonus Tip: You could have the kids skewer them on a stick, and voila, you have a great-looking and healthy dessert.

    The foods listed above are on your shopping list, and everyone in your family will love what you serve. You can lose the weight you gained post-holiday with simple strategies.