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#115. How To Prevent And Relieve Joint Pain

    How to prevent and relieve joint pain may not be something you’ve ever considered before. Now that you’re over 50, it’s definitely something that you want to get a handle on. 

    As you age, the connective tissues between your bones wear down. This causes friction on the bone joints, leading to inflammation, degenerative bone conditions, and a whole lot of pain. The good news is that whether you are already suffering from Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, hormonal inflammation, or are simply eager to prevent those conditions in the first place. There are measures you can take to relieve joint pain. 

    How To Prevent And  Relieve Joint Pain

    As a now almost 60-year-old, I had my first experience with joint pain almost ten years ago. I took that as a warning sign that my age was beginning to take hold of my body. Rather than sit back and wait for it to worsen, I immediately implemented strategies to support my aging joints. As a result, I’ve been able to continue doing the things I love: being active, getting outside, and moving my body. It also means that I’ve been able to continue supporting others to move their bodies in ways that feel good for them. 

    Understanding the causes of joint pain and developing strategies that prevent or relieve it is vital to your ability to remain active later in life. And, let’s be honest, who really wants to spend their fifties and sixties holed up in the house in pain? Not me! 

    Join me in this episode to find out exactly what joints are and why they’re so important, what causes joint pain, and my top strategies for preventing or relieving joint pain so you can live a vibrant and active life. 

    Click here to listen!

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