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5 Insane (but true) Things About Honey And Menopause

    5 insane (but true) things about Honey and Menopause

    Honey, as a natural remedy, has some fantastic benefits! It may help with some of the side effects we experience during menopause. Here are five insane (but true) things about Honey and Menopause!

    Did you know Honey was used as a natural sweetener before sugar was available in the 16th century?
    In the 19th century, researchers discovered the natural antibacterial qualities of Honey. But not all Honey has the same benefits. In addition, its potency depends on where and when Honey is harvested.

    This week I picked up my supply of local Honey from Bjoern’s Bees in Virginia. Honey,  sometimes called the “liquid gold,” is often sold in bottles.  But this year, I am trying honeycombs, terrific for spreading on cereal and sandwiches!

    Honey is high in fructose but has many health benefits when used in moderation. Remember, it is sugar, after all. In addition, honey is remarkable with its blend of trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Check out these 5 insane (but true) things about Honey that help through menopause and midlife.

    Nature’s Sweet Remedy: How Honey Alleviates Menopause Symptoms

    #1 Honey Alleviates Allergies

    Hormone levels fluctuate in Menopause, which can impact how often allergies occur and the severity of allergy symptoms. According to an article in Healthline: “Some people consider local honey to be a good natural treatment for seasonal allergies.”

    There is a small amount of pollen in Honey. If the body is exposed to small amounts, it can trigger an immune response that produces antibodies to the pollen. After repeated exposure to Honey, you should build up antibodies that help ease the allergic reaction. However, current studies on Honey and allergies are inconclusive.

    #2 All-Natural Energy Drink

    Honey is an excellent energy source, with just 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. This natural, unprocessed sugar enters the bloodstream and quickly boosts energy. This rise in blood sugar is a short-term energy source for your workout, especially in more extended endurance exercises. They are a bit harder to transport but have the same idea as Gu Energy Gels.

    # 3  Honey Boosts Memory

    As a memory booster, Honey is loaded with antioxidants that may help prevent cellular damage and loss to the brain. In addition, a 2011 study published in Menopause found a daily spoonful of Malaysian Honey may boost postmenopausal women’s memory, which can provide an alternative therapy for hormone-related intellectual decline.

    woman sleeping  -5 Insane (but true) Things About Honey And Menopause

    # 5 Honey as a Sleep Aid

    For sleepless nights trying to eat some honey before bedtime might help. Honey contributes to the release of melatonin in the brain, leading to a slight peak in insulin and the release of tryptophan. So eating Honey at night may help you sleep better.

    Bonus Tip! Honey as a body moisturizer

    Many moisturizers are on the market, but why not try this on? You may love it just before bedtime to treat yourself to something special

    Honey Body Moisturizer

    Mix 5 tablespoons of Honey2 tablespoons rose oil
    2 cups almond oil in a medium-sized bottle.
    Apply as needed onto wet skin.
    (Source: From the National Honey Board)

    Honey is a natural energy source, delivering carbohydrates in a form that the body can readily absorb. In addition, Honey’s antioxidant properties can help combat cell damage, thus aiding in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

    Moreover, Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in wound healing and reduce infections. It also works as a cough suppressant and can soothe a sore throat. Additionally, Honey promotes digestive health by acting as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial gut bacteria.

    So, what’s not to like about Honey? It helps you deal with your allergies, supplies you with energy, boosts your memory, and helps you sleep.