It’s all too easy to become complacent in life. The routine we have gotten used to, the habits we have created become our normal. But what happens when that state of normal leaves you feeling lost, stuck in a rut, or even depressed? It’s time for an adventure, that’s what. Let’s find out how to turn every day into an adventure with simple steps!
How To Turn Everyday Into An Adventure/ft. Stacey Newman Weldon
That’s exactly what Stacey Newman decided right before she took the first step to recreate her life and happiness. As a divorced, working mom of two kids, Stacey was in a job that didn’t light her up anymore and had a string of failed relationships behind her. She struggled to find what was missing from her life, but she reckoned that a change of perspective might help her figure it out.
Stacey went from “woe is me” to “wow is me” by resolving to look at everything in her life as an opportunity. She realized that adventure doesn’t need to be a backpacking trip across the world to hike the Indonesian mountains. Adventure is simply a new experience or opportunity, and it can be a single tiny step or a momentous leap. It can be across the country or right on your doorstep.
Stacey’s first adventure was a baby step. She left her office by a different exit than usual and walked home via a different route. The next week, she tried a new restaurant that she had passed the previous week. The week after, she did something else, and then something else, and eventually, Adventure Wednesdays were born.
By continuously pushing herself into her curiosity and discomfort, Stacey discovered the things she liked to do. She created adventures that were unique and fulfilling to her without following someone else’s definition of adventure.
Since then, she has met her “adventure partner,” hula hooped on top of a mountain, installed art at the Burning Man Festival, started her own online business, sold her house, and moved across the country to explore her dreams of a tiny home and nomadic life.
Stacey now coaches others on releasing fear and limiting beliefs so they can find their own adventures, create connections with others, and experience deep fulfillment and happiness. It’s her mission to help you move out of that feeling of being stuck and realize that you’re not lost; you’re simply….on an adventure.
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