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#032. 5 Quick And Guilt-Free Holiday Survival Tips

    I decided to start this holiday season with a bang and show you how to eat your favorite holiday treats without guilt and gaining weight. No more holiday weight gain, sugar crushes, food hangovers, and no more diets. Every year it seems to be the same stress over food. Should you eat or deny yourself delicious treats you only make during the holidays? I have 5 quick and guilt-free holiday survival tips that you can start today.

    5 Quick and Guilt-Free Holiday Survival Tips

    Enjoy your holidays and the time with your family instead of stressing that you overeat or feeling guilty because you treat yourself to some treats.

    Why do we feel guilty during the holidays?

    Feeling guilty during the holidays is not uncommon and can arise for a variety of reasons:

    1. Overindulgence: Many holidays are associated with feasts and special foods, and it’s easy to overeat or overdrink. This can lead to feelings of guilt, particularly if someone is watching their weight or has specific health goals.
    2. Excessive Spending: Holidays often involve gift-giving, which can financially strain people. The guilt can stem from spending too much money or feeling like your gifts are inadequate.
    3. Not Meeting Expectations: Holidays often come with high expectations from ourselves and others. People may feel guilty if they can’t create the “perfect” holiday experience or if their reality doesn’t match up to the idealized images seen in media.
    4. Neglecting Self-Care: During the busy holiday season, it’s easy to neglect self-care routines like exercise, adequate rest, or personal time. This can lead to feelings of guilt.
    5. Inability to Feel Happy: Holidays are often portrayed as a time of joy and happiness. If someone is experiencing sadness, stress, or loneliness, they may feel guilty for not being in the holiday spirit.
    6. Family Dynamics: Holidays often involve family gatherings, which can be stressful and bring up unresolved issues or conflicts. This can lead to feelings of guilt over these tensions.
    7. Not Being Able to Give: If someone is going through financial hardship, they may feel guilty about not being able to give gifts or contribute to holiday celebrations in the way they’d like.
    8. Limited Time: The holidays often involve many social and familial obligations, and there’s guilt associated with not having enough time to see everyone or fulfill all commitments.

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    Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving,

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