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12-Week Individual Online Coaching Program For Women In Midlife

Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day; only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. 73% of clients say that coaching helps them improve their relationships, work performance, work/life balance, and wellness.


I’m Heike Yates, and like many of you, I understand the grind of a 9-to-5 job and the longing for something more. That’s when I took a leap and ventured into Washington, D.C., a city teeming with opportunities.

In 1992, I stumbled upon a fitness class that sparked a passion I never anticipated. It marked the beginning of my mission. Over time, I transitioned into opening my boutique Pilates studio, balancing the roles of a mom and entrepreneur along the way. I embraced various challenges, from bodybuilding to Ironman Triathlons, and gained invaluable insights.

With over 35 years of experience, my business now specializes in transformative change for women in midlife. Pursue Your Spark is all about empowering women to break free from limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, reigniting their spark. The aim is clear: to help you live a renewed energy, confidence, and purpose-filled life.

If you value independent training with personalized guidance and support, our 12-week online program is tailored for you.


The 12-week individual online coaching program is designed for women in midlife who want to thrive and empower themselves through this course.

Participants must have the following qualities to join the program:

  • Have clear and specific fitness, nutrition, or wellness goals they want to work toward during the course.
  • Emphasize the importance of their commitment to the program. Be willing to dedicate time and effort to achieve their goals.
  • They should have an open mindset and be eager to learn about fitness, nutrition, and mindset strategies.
  • Participants should have the time to dedicate to the program, including attending coaching sessions, workouts, and meal planning.
  • Stress the importance of open and transparent communication with you as their coach, as it is essential for their progress.
  • Ensure they are ready to embrace change and adapt their habits and routines to align with their goals.

If you’re ready to take control of your fitness, nutrition, and mindset, the time is no. Apply for our transformative program and empower yourself to thrive in midlife. Invest in your health

Your Personal Program Includes:

This customized online training is ideal if you prefer working independently through video instruction but with personalized guidance and support! To begin, we’ll schedule a coaching call to establish your specific goals and desired fitness and nutrition program outcomes. Based on your input, I’ll design a program tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

What sets us apart is that we don’t just focus on physical training—we’ll also work on helping you reach your goals, fulfill your dreams, and boost your body confidence. From the start of your training, you’ll have 12 weeks of unrestricted access to the program, giving you ample time to take action and achieve lasting results. Let’s start this transformative journey together!

Program details:

  • Initial Fitness Survey
  • Followed by an in-depth 60-minute to create your plan
  • 3 detailed weekly workouts (all my programs include Pilates over 50 classes)
  • Weekly progression charts
  • Personalized nutrition strategies upon request
  • Weekly accountability check-ins
  • 3 personal strategy calls
  • Unlimited email support (during our office hours, Mo-Fri, 9 am – 5 pm)
  • A complete accountability planner
  • Detailed goal-setting worksheets
  • Additional tips and strategies for success