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# 075. How To Develop Self-Accountability In Life

    As I map out my goals for my own life and business, I find myself in the position of having to question whether or not I am holding myself accountable for meeting those goals. Do I need some external accountability? Have I been mistaking my self-motivation for self-accountability in life?

    How To Develop Self-Accountability in Life

    Find out in today’s episode exactly how I managed to differentiate between the two.  Plus how you can determine which accountability approach is right for you. 

    Taking responsibility for meeting your own goals is not as easy as it sounds. Sure, it’s you who has to carry through with your plan, but what happens when you don’t? Can we achieve the same levels of success when we are only accountable to ourselves?  Would it work the same way as when we are answerable to someone else – a coach, a friend, a group? 

    In this episode, I share with you the four (yes, four!) different types of accountability, the benefits of each type, and how to determine which one of these is the right fit for you, your personality, and your goals. 

    If you’re still questioning whether you need to be held accountable to someone else, then maybe self-accountability is the right path for you. So, I also share some ways (from one self-accountable, determined woman to another) that you can develop your self-accountability and stop letting yourself off the hook for not following through!

    Hopefully, you’ll be better positioned to move forward and achieve those goals by the end of the episode!

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    Don’t forget to check out Pursue Your Spark Blueprint for more information on getting fit and healthy in your midlife. 

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