Let’s start the year 2020 with a roar and take action in the health and fitness goals that are important to you. Before we move on, we need to take inventory, let go of old beliefs and habits, and make room for healthy habits and achievable goals. That’s why I answered your most-asked question in 2019.
Top Health and Wellness FAQs 2019
1. How to get motivated and stick to an exercise plan?
Big ideas have small beginnings.”
When you are starting out your fitness journey, you often have big goals. Looking at these goals and not knowing where to start can feel overwhelming. You know you want to lose a certain amount of weight, work for a certain amount of time, and prepare meals that are going to support your goals.
Breaking your goals down into small, doable steps (or, as I call them – baby steps) will bring big rewards in the end. Be proud of yourself for each step that you take to get closer to your goal. After all, it’s a positive lifestyle change that will last way beyond achieving your goals.
“Stop doubting yourself and trust the process.”
The next time you doubt yourself and want to throw in the towel, think of this!
You may make mistakes along the way, but that’s ok because taking little steps will help you correct the course. There is nothing that you can’t learn and improve on, to do better than you did before.
Doing a little bit better than you are already doing is a huge accomplishment. Trust the process of a well-designed lifestyle program, and the results of your long-term goals will be there sooner than you think.
“Don’t give up; great things take time.”
You’re in the middle of your run, and you can quit or eeking out another minute or two. You can choose to go either route. Next time you are at this point, remember this quote.
Even if you have to slow down or walk the rest of the way, you know that you did not quit. Feeling proud of yourself for not stopping and gaining courage in your abilities. Practice doesn’t make perfect, and you don’t want perfect. You want what is sustainable for your lifestyle and your body. You will get better at what you are doing every time, and you just have to keep going.
“Make yourself a priority.”
Many women put kids, partners, friends, and pets before their own needs. Then we feel guilty when we take time for themselves to stay healthy and fit. It is essential to make healthy eating and fitness a part of your everyday life. Achieving a healthy balance in your life is crucial.
Remember that we gain energy, confidence, and a fit body by taking care of our health. Not only will you notice the difference, but those around you will benefit as well.
If at some point this week you want to skip a workout or stray from your healthy eating habits, come back to these quotes and get your boost to stay the course.
Check out these two posts for more inspiration
2. How to stop overeating? How do I stick to a healthy diet?

What is mindful eating? Mindful eating is the practice of eating mindfully and being present while eating. That means you evaluate your reasons for hunger. Do you eat because you are sad, need comfort, or because it’s dinner time? Mindful eating asks you to pay attention without judging whether the food is healthy or unhealthy.
What is intuitive eating? Intuitive eating, on the other hand, is a form of self-discovery of eating mindfully and without guilt. It incorporates mindful eating practices while also emphasizing the relationship between the mind (emotions), body (fitness and healthy body weight), and food (eating for nourishment and pleasure).
5 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating
- Set the table: Even if you are just one person, set the table. Put on a beautiful tablecloth, cutlery, and a napkin. Serve food in the kitchen and then plate it.
- Sit down to eat: Sit instead of eating at the counter or while doing chores, taking a bite each time you come by your plate. Sit down and make mealtime a habit.
- Turning off or silence all electronics: Eat and only eat. Take time to relax and enjoy the food without any distractions or interruptions from electronic devices. You are paying full attention to what’s on your plate.
- Pause: Take 2-3 deep breaths before beginning a meal. Appreciate the food on your plate. Enjoy the color, aroma, and what you have on your plate and not devour it before you appreciated it.
- Eat slowly. Be aware of your food’s texture, taste, and different flavors. Observe how crunchy, soft, and juicy it is, and try some of your food feels and tastes.
Check out this post for more inspiration:
3. How do I stay fit as I age? What are the best exercises for older women with back pain? What are the best activities to get rid of back fat?

Do some research when it comes to your own body because everybody is different, and we have specific needs. Check with your doctor before you start a new exercise program if you have health concerns. The Most Asked Questions In 2019 Answered, and this was one that was asked over and over.
1. Do what you love and what you love
Ask yourself, what is the exercise you enjoy doing most? Often I hear, “I just walk.” Well, guess what? That is exercise, and there is nothing wrong with it! You love it and will keep doing it because it makes you happy. I love being outdoors. Spending time outside running, biking, and hiking makes me happy, and I reap the benefits of staying in shape.
2. Invest in yourself
Want to try something you have never done before? Lifting weights can seem intimidating, and what the heck do you do with those stretchy bands? Hire a qualified trainer to teach you the basics to get started. I was teaching my new client the basic principles, nothing overwhelming. I created a workout for her that she can follow until we train together again. Guess what? She was doing many of her exercises correctly already.
3. Buddy up
Do you feel too shy to go somewhere new by yourself? Bring a friend or significant other with you to try out a class or a private session. My clients that exercise as a duet (2 people for a course) not only have fun but spend time with the people they love.
Thank you Heike. These are such great tips. I love a healthy lifestyle and am adding more strength training this year!
You are welcome, Kim. Yes, strength training is the way to go for us women in midlife! I recorded a new IG TV episode about that. Be on the look out.
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