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3 Reasons Why It’s Time To Stop Falling Off The Diet Wagon

    Raise your hand if you already broke into the holiday sweet stash?!  Many of us see the holidays as an excuse to eat the things we usually deprive ourselves of during the year. Let’s face it: 202o has been a rollercoaster ride, and we’ve probably all indulged in a little extra comfort food. With January 1st comes intentions of new diets, workouts, and rebuilding a healthy lifestyle that sheds those extra pounds.  Inevitably, your efforts are short-lived, and by March, they’re completely forgotten. I’m here to tell you that it’s time to stop falling off the diet wagon and how to develop healthy habits that you love to stick to!

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    It’s time to stop falling off the diet wagon

    I’m sure many of you are familiar with the hamster wheel effect of annual dieting and subsequently falling off the diet wagon.  January 1st has gained a reputation as the magical day that diets should start. Unfortunately, it repeatedly fails to deliver the results you hoped for.

    You may have given yourself a hard time over this in the past. Thankfully, your failings have nothing to do with willpower and everything to do with the system.  That is to say, mainstream weight-loss diets are designed as a quick fix. Consequently, they do not help you build lasting healthy habits.

    This means you will lose the initial weight the plan promised rather quickly. Then the results start to slow down, and you lose enthusiasm, become discouraged, and eventually give up altogether. As a result, you return to those trusty but unhealthy old habits. So, what is the solution to this cycle of unhealthy habits and feelings of failure?

    It’s no secret that I am not a fan of weight-loss diet plans. I recently wrote a blog post where I dissected some of the main diets and broke down exactly what’s wrong with them and how they are set up for you to fail.

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    3 reasons why diets fail you

    • Instant gratification

      Making a habit stick takes months if not years, but diet gurus promise that their program has the quickest weight loss results.  It’s true if you stop eating, you’ll lose weight, but how long can you maintain that? Changing unhealthy eating habits into a new and healthy routine takes time and practice. The instant gratification offered by quick-fix diets is a false idea that causes you to fail before you’ve even begun.

    • Starting something new is exciting. The new year seems to be the perfect time to start over—start a new exercise program, cook new meals, and change our lives with the change of time. You probably know how being determined and committed to a goal is exciting. However, that excitement dwindles quickly, and the commitment fades away after a few weeks. Breaking old habits is uncomfortable; unless you lean into that and challenge yourself, and you

      will give up on that newfound drive.

    • Unrealistic expectations.

      Your diet program may promise specific weight loss or body composition changes, but your results may look very different. If it were easy to lose lots of weight quickly and keep it off, we wouldn’t be in this hamster wheel of dieting. Creating sustainable, consistent, and healthy habits that we stick to is critical. Most feel that it takes too long to see quick results and inevitably fall off the diet wagon.

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    3 Reasons Why It’s Time To Stop Falling Off The Diet Wagon

    If you want to stop falling off the diet wagon once and for all, then you’ll need to change how you approach your health and fitness goals. Let go of that search for a quick fix and start developing healthy habits that will bring a real long-term effect that you love to have earned.

    • Your health is a marathon, not a sprint

      Doing well with some changes doesn’t mean you need to change everything at once.  Take your time, and gradually build on the new healthy habits that you have a grasp of.

    • Find activities that fit your lifestyle

      This way, you will enjoy them for years to come. If you don’t find time to work out, getting up just 10 minutes earlier will give you a little extra time to do a quick exercise video before your day starts. You can check out my 3-minute workouts on YouTube.

    • Make health a lifelong goal

      Changing something for only a few weeks and then going back to what you did before is not creating sustainable habits. You’ll achieve lasting results by taking action to live healthier and taking small, doable steps. If you keep repeating those healthy habits over and over, you’ll discover more about yourself. You’ll find out the things you like and how they make you feel. That includes sleep, exercise, being outdoors, reducing stress, and eating healthy and balanced meals.

    • Create a supportive community

      Surround yourself with people who share your health values and goals. This way, you’ll have emotional support when the ride gets bumpy. Tell your trusted friends, family, or co-workers about your plans, join a Facebook group, and hire a personal trainer who holds you accountable. Ensure the chosen people genuinely support you and do not sabotage your efforts.

    • Don’t forget to celebrate!

      Every win counts, so stop being so hard on yourself when things don’t go according to plan. Give yourself grace and try again. Just like building muscles, you keep repeating healthy patterns over and over and over time. With consistency, you’ll reap the benefits of your efforts.

    Did this all sound familiar to you? If it does, I’d love to hear how you’ve stopped spinning and started moving forward with your health goals. Let me know in the comments, and I’ll be sure to reply!

    Also, if you’re looking for a health and fitness plan that treats you like an individual and tailors the food plans, exercise routines, and mindset challenges to your specific circumstances, why not check out my Pursue Your Spark Blueprint Program? It’s a supportive group coaching program for women over 50. It also helps you build sustainable healthy habits without getting trapped in the guilt or failings of conventional quick-fix diet plans.

    Pursue Your Spark Blueprint course

    9 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why It’s Time To Stop Falling Off The Diet Wagon”

    1. These are all great insights Heike!
      Instant gradification is my hurdle that I must face and overcome.
      I know what it is and I am looking forward to a new year and a fresh start



        Rosemary, you are most welcome. It is so important to turn inside for gratitude, especially. Happy New Year.

    2. Libbie@alifeunfolding

      Hieke- Thank you for sharing this information. I think the new year is a wonderful time for a fresh start.

    3. Pingback: #153 - 5 Life-Changing Healthy Habits To Adopt In 2022

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