Setting goals for big dreams can often be a stressful concept. We commonly undervalue what we can do when the things we want aren’t easily attainable. I want to help you change that mindset as someone who has been there and understands. I want to inspire you to act by declaring your biggest goals, embracing positive habits, and focusing on a positive attitude. I give you three reasons why you should dream big and aim high.
To Dream Big, We Need Inspiration
My podcast has changed quite a bit over the last year. Instead of going solo most of the time, I’ve invited some incredible women on the show whom I had the chance to connect with, many of whom I had never even met in person!

I WAS INSPIRED TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH YOU once I heard about their challenges and obstacles to reaching their big goals and changing their lives.
I want to inspire you so that you, too, can have the confidence to dream big and reach your goals, even when it feels a little scary sometimes.
Our shared stories empower women to find strength, courage, and confidence in their lives, helping each other to overcome fear and lead the kick-ass lifestyle we’ve been dreaming of!
3 Reasons Why You Should Dream Big and Aim High
My Story
I know you’re thinking, Heike, you are a fitness trainer; you don’t know what it feels like to be me. So let me tell you something; my life wasn’t always as “glamorous” as it is today.
Imagine 14 years old me. I was always the tallest and the biggest girl in my class. This never bothered me; I liked being tall and big until around the time when everyone I knew was starting to get a boyfriend, except me.
I was invited to my first party at 14; my dad didn’t let me go out as most of my friends did, and I was so happy to be invited. But, of course, I was so worried about what to wear and how to look cute! Like the other girls, I wanted to fit in and look smaller, so I made myself smaller. After that, I would stay home most of the time, reading and trying to figure out HOW I could get smaller, physically and mentally.
The Cycle Begins
Coming from a German background, it was common for my family to eat large portions, and I didn’t know how to lose weight. Exercise was not part of our lives except for the occasional walk. I hated sports at school and wasn’t good at any of them. So for exercise, I only did what was required, and I never mastered the cartwheel that came so quickly to many in my class. Are you thinking so what? But I felt like I was never going to be good enough.
Over the years, I lost some weight, but it never lasted long. So I tried diet after diet. Do you remember the cabbage soup diet, the Scarsdale diet, and the Atkins diet? I gave them my best shot, but none worked long-term.
Then I tried running because I heard it helps to get in shape, only to end up with shin splints and hobbling. Frustrated, I gave up on that.
Years passed, I got married, became pregnant with my son, and gained 50 lbs. After my son, Jesse, was born, I still had 30 lbs to lose and NOT a clue how to do that. I knew the diets I had tried didn’t work. So I tried juicing and liquid fasts, and that made things even worse, and I started GAINING weight.
Break the Cycle And Aim High

One of my friends, a first-time mother, invited me to join her for an exercise class at our local YMCA. She told me the workout was dancing to music and core work and that we could bring our kids, as the YMCA had daycare.
After the first class, I was hooked and signed up for the course. After one season in the style, the course director asked me if I wanted to become a teacher. ME? I never thought in a million years that I would “hop” around in front of other people, teaching them exercise. My husband was my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to say YES. He knew I would love it and would be fantastic at teaching others what I had learned. He helped me to think BIG and have confidence in myself.
Change Takes Hold
I got trained to teach dancercise classes, overcame my stage fright of teaching in front of strangers, and loved that NOW I could help others get fit and healthy just like someone had helped me. I LOVED IT.
Not in a million years had I imagined that I would create a career out of my passion for fitness and wellness. Or that being overweight as a kid would lead me to become a fitness and wellness coach with over 30 years of experience. Creating two successful businesses during that time. I became a bodybuilder and marathon runner and am now an Ironman Triathlete, consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a marathon 26.2-mile. I took what I had learned and made significant changes physically and mentally!
Create Your Dream

One thing I can say for sure, during my journey of ups and downs, is that I never let my past hold me back and define who I would become. Instead, I had learned from my past and put what I’d learned into action to create a positive outcome.
I can’t speak for your goals and ambitions regarding your health and fitness desires, but I know this: “You can reach your goals by gaining clarity on what is important to you and by taking action.”
To get you started on your path, I want you to take some time and ask yourself the following questions. Write them down so you can see them right before your eyes. Then, make your goals as big as you can dream of them, and aim high!
What is your biggest fitness and lifestyle goal?
Here are a few examples to get you started:
- Lose 50 lbs
- Run a marathon
- Learn how to lift weights
- Hike the Inca trail in Peru
- Choose the right nutrition plan for your lifestyle
I’m sure you have many other ideas, so write them down. Don’t hold back or think that ANY one of them is too big!
What are three habits that hold you back from reaching your goals?
Put those habits underneath your goals. Don’t just think about them. Instead, write them down so you can see them in front of your eyes.
- You stopped making yourself a priority and let others take over your life
- You don’t know how to eat healthily and what foods to choose
- You don’t plan exercise into your day and keep putting it off
- You don’t ever seem to have time for anything
What negative thoughts can you reframe into positive ones to reach your goals?
When you think I don’t feel motivated to work out but I should, turning the workout into something that’s a burden. Instead, think about how it makes you feel once you’re done and how energized you feel afterward.
When you are not sticking to your nutrition program and feel defeated, think ok, today was not perfect, but I’ll try again tomorrow.
How do you feel about yourself every day? If you tell yourself you don’t dare to try something new, change that thought process. Instead, keep telling yourself that YES, you dare to overcome that fear.
Changing your mindset significantly impacts how you live your life every day.
Live your life clearly and take charge of what you want with courage and confidence. I am here every step of the way to guide you and show you what’s possible. Keep your goals in your journal, on the fridge, over your computer, or wherever you see those goals often, and remember just how awesome you are!
I have been focusing on dreaming big and some health / nutrition goals! Thanks for this post and your story. It encourages me to keep going and not give up on my big dreams in business and health!
Heidi, keep dreaming big, stay consistent and you will reach your goals. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Heike! What an encouraging and uplifting post! You have given me a much needed shot of courage to face some things coming up in my life! I’m so happy for how your dreams have turned into realities!
Amy, I am happy to help you pursue your dreams. My secret: Doing it despite fear and of course a plan of action. Keep on making your dreams a reality Amy!
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