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#047. The Importance Of Fun/ft. V.C. Chickering

    Harnessing creativity is not just about artistic expression; it’s a critical element that enriches multiple aspects of life. It enhances problem-solving abilities, enabling us to innovate and adapt in a rapidly evolving world. Creative activities can act as powerful tools for emotional expression, providing a therapeutic outlet and promoting emotional health. They also stimulate cognitive functions, fostering mental agility and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

    V.C. Chickering may be the representation of greatness that we all hide inside of ourselves. Funky, outspoken, and with seemingly endless creativity, she has spent her lifetime working in the creative industry and has written and worked for companies such as BUST, Cosmo, The Washington Post, MTV, Comedy Central, Lifetime, Oxygen, The BUST Guide to the New Girl Order and The Girl’s Guide to Taking Over the World. I am sure you want to find out about the Importance Of Fun!

    The Importance Of Fun With V.C. Chickering

    But even as a kooky woman with immense talent, she had moments (or better yet, 2 years) of complete self-doubt when life threw its own twist, and divorce took her talent and mindset hostage. V.C. had to relearn what was valuable, find joy when there seemed to be none, and step into who she used to be and into an even bigger version of herself with newfound freedom.

    She found new happiness and finally dared to publish her first novel. V.C. has continued to create through multiple outlets, allowing the world to see itself from her funny, provocative, and refreshingly laid-back point of view.

    Check out her newest novel:

    TWISTED FAMILY VALUES is an unpredictable 50-year, four generations, dysfunctional family romp that untangles small-town privilege, unbridled desire, and one stubborn American taboo. Chickering writes quick dialogue with wit and insight into family dynamics, sexual longing, and the waning of entitlement—just the kind of fun summer read worth ignoring the kids for.

    The website that will best support you in your endeavor to bang out a first draft: National Novel Writing Month (

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